Low-glycemic index breakfast helps regulate blood sugar throughout the day

For individuals who require a prescription to buy Actos to manage their diabetes, simply eating a breakfast made up of low-glycemic index foods may result in significantly improved blood sugar control, a pair of experts said.

For individuals who require a prescription to buy Actos to manage their diabetes, simply eating a breakfast made up of low-glycemic index foods may result in significantly improved blood sugar control, a pair of experts said.

Speaking at the Institute for Food Technologists' Wellness 12 meeting, Richard Mattes of Purdue University and Kantha Shelke of Corvus Blue said that numerous studies have proven the benefits of a low-glycemic index breakfast. This type of diet may help regulate blood sugar levels and prevent hunger.

Most whole grain foods have a low glycemic index. These types of foods take a long time for the body to digest. This helps keep blood sugar levels much lower than where they would be after eating more quickly digested foods.

The pair said that it is important for individuals to eat a healthy breakfast that has a low glycemic index, particularly if they have diabetes and require a prescription to buy Actos. About 30 percent of people skip breakfast one to three times per week. This throws off the body's natural blood sugar-regulating processes and makes it more difficult for an individual to maintain healthy glucose levels throughout the day.