Lowering cholesterol could improve erectile dysfunction

While Viagra continues to be one of the most popular remedies for helping men with erectile dysfunction, there are still a number of natural forms of treatment that can aid those experiencing sexual difficulties.

While Viagra continues to be one of the most popular remedies for helping men with erectile dysfunction, there are still a number of natural forms of treatment that can aid those experiencing sexual difficulties. One of the new ways researchers have found will not only assist men with achieving an erection, but also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Professors from Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School analyzed whether using cholesterol lowering statins, commonly prescribed to help decrease the chances of a heart attack or stroke, would also help . After reviewing 11 randomized controlled research examinations, along with a self-reported evaluation of the men's sexual function, the researchers found that those who took the cholesterol lowering statins also improved on their ability to attain an erection.

The investigators also proposed that erectile dysfunction could be an indicator of cardiovascular disease, implying that lowering cholesterol can offset both health hazards. Dr. John B. Kostis, a professor of medicine at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and study author, discussed how using statins to improve cholesterol levels is essentially a two birds with one stone scenario regarding it's possibility to relieve cardiovascular and erectile inefficiencies. 

"Older men who have poor cardiovascular health, diabetes or metabolic syndrome often experience - and the prevalence of these diseases is expected to increase," Kostis said in a statement. "Our research indicates that statins not only improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack, but also improve erectile function in the men included in our analysis."

Kostis also implied that further research is necessary to confirm the link that using cholesterol lowering statins will indeed improve sexual functioning, while adding that, "Ultimately, a healthy lifestyle is the best method to prevent disease, including erectile dysfunction." 

Ways to lower cholesterol
For the who have "bad" cholesterol levels, as well as 40 years and older who are affected by erectile dysfunction, lowering cholesterol can help both your heart and your sex life. A few natural ways to lower cholesterol include:

  • Reduce intake of saturated fat
  • Increase ingestion of complex carbohydrates and fiber
  • Add fish to your weekly diet
  • Avoid salt or use sparingly
  • Eat nuts as a snack

If you are still experiencing problems achieving an erection, contact a doctor today to see if Viagra is right for you. You can buy Viagra at a Canadian online pharmacy.