MRI technology may help diagnose osteoarthritis at an early stage

When a person with osteoarthritis begins to buy Celebrex at an early stage in the disease, they are much less likely to suffer complications, such as broken bones. However, the condition can be difficult to diagnose, which makes effective early treatment somewhat rare.

When a person with osteoarthritis begins to buy Celebrex at an early stage in the disease, they are much less likely to suffer complications, such as broken bones. However, the condition can be difficult to diagnose, which makes effective early treatment somewhat rare.

In order to address this problem, a team of researchers from New York University recently developed a system that uses MRI scans to assess a person for osteoarthritis. The imaging technique is extremely sensitive and may be able to detect very small changes in joint cartilage that may indicate the presence of the disease.

"With an active and aging baby boomer population beginning to experience joint pain associated with age, we think there is great potential for bringing these imaging techniques from the lab to the benefit of patients," said Laith Jazrawi, who led the investigation.

The pain associated with arthritis is generally caused by the wearing away of cartilage between the joints. When this tissue is depleted, bones begin to rub directly against each other. A prescription to buy Celebrex can prevent this process from happening, but people tend to do better on treatments if they begin before too much of the cartilage is worn away. The new testing method could provide the early warning needed.