Making lifestyle changes is easier than treating heart disease, group says

Individuals who buy Lipitor to prevent their high cholesterol from developing into heart disease may want to make some lifestyle changes as well.

Individuals who buy Lipitor to prevent their high cholesterol from developing into heart disease may want to make some lifestyle changes as well. A group of experts recently published a guide in which they state that prevention is easier and more effective than treatment when it comes to cardiovascular disease.

The European Society of Cardiology published an article in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology suggesting that tobacco use, poor diet, inadequate exercise habits and excessive stress are among the leading causes of heart disease.

Authors of the report stated that it is generally easier for individuals to change one or two of these lifestyle factors than it is for a person with atherosclerosis to avoid a heart attack.

This isn't to suggest that behavioral changes are easy. The team pointed out that a lot more research needs to be conducted to understand the factors that encourage people to make changes to their lifestyle.

However, treating heart disease can be very difficult. This is why individuals who require a prescription to buy Lipitor should consider lifestyle changes as well.