Many arthritis patients experience bouts of depression

Failing to seek a treatment, such as a prescription to buy Celebrex, for arthritis does not just mean that an individual is likely to continue suffering pain. The condition can affect numerous areas of a person's life, making it difficult for them to enjoy the things they used to.

Failing to seek a treatment, such as a prescription to buy Celebrex, for arthritis does not just mean that an individual is likely to continue suffering pain. The condition can affect numerous areas of a person's life, making it difficult for them to enjoy the things they used to.

For example, a recent survey of British arthritis sufferers conducted by Roche Pharmaceuticals detailed the extent to which arthritis can impact a person's life. The survey of 690,000 individuals with arthritis indicated that one-third said their condition makes them feel depressed and lonely, according to the Mirror.

Furthermore, 70 percent said that they avoid party invitations because of their condition and about 66 percent reported declining invitations because they thought their joint pain would make it difficult for them to get through the night, the news source reports.

While there are many different types of arthritis, the majority can result in extreme joint pain that can make it difficult to leave the house. The Institute of Medicine reports that arthritis is one of the leading causes of disability in the world. However, a simple prescription to buy Celebrex may help many individuals overcome the pain associated with their condition and regain their ability to enjoy life.