Men should be mindful of their BPH risk

Many men have a condition known as benign prostate hyperplasia and would benefit from a prescription to buy Flomax, but are unaware of their condition. Helping more of these men understand their condition could play an important role in enabling them overcome its symptoms.

Many men have a condition known as benign prostate hyperplasia and would benefit from a prescription to buy Flomax, but are unaware of their condition. Helping more of these men understand their condition could play an important role in enabling them overcome its symptoms.

Benign prostate hyperplasia, or BPH, is marked by an enlargement of the prostate gland. This can cause urinary symptoms, including incontinence, frequent urges and difficulty going. These symptoms often significantly impact a man's quality of life.

However, there are things that can be done about the condition. An article published recently in Uro Today stated that most clinical trials have proven medications like Flomax to be effective at reducing the size of the prostate, thereby limiting the number of symptoms.

The Mayo Clinic states that an enlarging prostate is a normal part of growing old for men. However, when it is left untreated, it can cause potentially serious consequences. Therefore, the group recommends that any man who believes he is beginning to experience symptoms talk to his doctor about the issue.