Mindfulness exercises may help Effexor users

Research conducted recently by Irish and British doctors explored the connection between environment and depression and found that those with depression perceive time and surroundings differently than people without the condition.

Research conducted recently by Irish and British doctors explored the connection between environment and depression, and found that those with depression perceive time and surroundings differently than people without the condition.

The results were derived from a study in which people were asked to test how reliable a particular remote controller was. In various rooms of the same house, subjects experienced different levels of control when attempting to turn on music. Some rooms were set up so that music would play immediately when the remote was used, while in other rooms the music would be delayed or would turn on without any use of the remote. 

After the tests were done, the doctors surveyed the subjects and asked if they believed the use of the remote was affected by the room itself and not by them pressing the button. The findings showed that depressed people acted in contrast to others by accurately noting that they believed the physical surroundings affected the use of the remote. Also, depressed subjects responded differently to delays in the effectiveness of the remote control. 

Researches believe that it provides backing to previous studies that have concluded people with depression perceive time as passing more slowly and are more affected by environmental surroundings.

"When depressed people have more time to process information about cause and effect, due to their slower perception of time they tend to take more notice of their environment which is often beyond their control, hence their feelings of helplessness," says Rachel Msetfi Ph.D. of the University of Limerick in Ireland. 

She also suggested that her research may show why mindfulness therapy has been effective in managing depression and preventing relapses in the past. The treatment is designed to alter the way in which people are affected by their surroundings through heightened attention to the environment. 

Slow breathing technique
According to the Massachusetts General Hospital, mindfulness exercises can be easy to conduct, which is good news for depression patients. 

Upon waking up in the morning, the source suggests that people focus on their breathing instead of pondering yesterday's events. It says to focus on every breath and sense the effect each inhale has on the entire body. 

Many of the everyday exercises MGH recommends involve this slow breathing technique. While at red light or upon just sitting down at work, take a moment to repeat the exercise conducted in the morning. 

Mindfulness training can be coupled with Effexor to combat the symptoms of depression. Purchase the antidepressant at a Canadian online pharmacy at a discounted rate.