More blue-collar workers struggle with arthritis into old age

Blue-collar workers are more likely to need to buy Hyalgan in order to manage their arthritis symptoms and keep working than their white-collar peers, according to a new study out of Columbia University.

Blue-collar workers are more likely to need to buy Hyalgan in order to manage their arthritis symptoms and keep working than their white-collar peers, according to a new study out of Columbia University.

The researchers found that blue-collar workers are more likely to work past the age of 65 out of financial necessity. Additionally, they generally work in poorer health, particularly when it comes to their joints.

As part of the investigation, the researchers surveyed nearly 18,000 older workers about their health. The results showed that 19 percent of white-collar workers with arthritis remained employed past age 65, compared to 22 percent of blue-collar workers. Additionally, manual laborers were more likely to have severe arthritis.

Given the fact that America's workforce is only growing older, this problem could come to affect millions more people.

Peter Muennig, who led the study, said that the findings underscore the need to support the aging workforce and help them find treatments for these issues. Canada pharmacies can help low-income individuals buy Hyalgan and other medications they need to control their arthritis symptoms.