Most diabetics don't know their full ABCs, study finds

There are many steps diabetics need to take in order to manage their health. In addition to taking a prescription to buy Actos, most are urged to track their A1c test scores, know their blood pressure levels and manage their cholesterol.

There are many steps diabetics need to take in order to manage their health. In addition to taking a prescription to buy Actos, most are urged to track their A1c test scores, know their blood pressure levels and manage their cholesterol. These are known as the ABCs of diabetes management.

However, a new study published in the journal Diabetes Care indicates that many individuals do not know their ABCs. The researchers said the situation could put many diabetics at risk for worsening conditions.

For the study, the team examined surveys collected from more than 1,200 adult diabetics. They found that 48 percent knew their latest A1c scores, 63 percent knew their blood pressure levels and 22 percent were aware of their latest cholesterol test scores.

The researchers said the findings are not entirely discouraging. Indeed, a relatively large percentage of diabetics know their blood pressure scores. However, they said the opportunity exists to improve diabetics' knowledge of their ABCs. This could enable these individuals to manage their condition more effectively.