New book urges individuals to understand their osteoporosis risk

Just because a person has osteoporosis does not mean they are fated to break a bone. There are many things a person with the condition can do to avoid a painful and potentially deadly fracture, such as talking to their doctor about a prescription to buy Fosamax.

Just because a person has osteoporosis does not mean they are fated to break a bone. There are many things a person with the condition can do to avoid a painful and potentially deadly fracture, such as talking to their doctor about a prescription to buy Fosamax.

The Osteoporosis Book, which was written by an international group of experts, covers many of the things people can do to support their bone health and reduce their chances of suffering a break.

The team primarily focused on lifestyle factors that can influence osteoporosis risk. Certain nutrients like calcium and vitamin D can support health bones, while others like caffeine and alcohol can weaken skeletal tissue.

Furthermore, the authors wrote that it is important for individuals to be prepared to talk to their doctor about osteoporosis, as many physicians miss important warning signs of the condition. Despite the fact that 80 percent of hip fractures are the result of osteoporosis, less than 20 percent of women who suffer this injury are appropriately screened for the condition.