New model may predict further health risks for Type 1 diabetes patients

Januvia users who are diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes are well aware of the potential health risks produced by their symptoms.

Januvia users who are diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes are well aware of the potential health risks produced by their symptoms. This autoimmune disease that halts insulin generation within the pancreas is the more severe variation of diabetes, while also being the lesser diagnosed of the two types. There are currently living with Type 1 diabetes, and each day approximately 80 more people are also diagnosed with the disease. Predicting Type 1 diabetes cases could mean patients will know whether they're at a higher risk of developing further health complications, according to recent research.

In a study published in the medical journal Diabetologia, researchers discovered a that will help doctors officially predict whether or not a Type 1 diabetes patient has a greater chance of going through major complications such as heart disease, stroke, amputation or even mortality. Data was collected from 1,973 participants with Type 1 diabetes and this information was analyzed for several years until establishing an accurate computer model.

The primary factors that went into establishing the risk for a Type 1 patient revolved around age, glycated haemoglobin, waist-hip ratio, albumin/creatinine ratio and HDL, or "good" cholesterol. Once these components were recorded, the computer model developed by the researchers was able to effectively estimate the chances of a subject developing health complications. Using this model in hospitals could allow for doctors to start planning various treatment methods earlier than usual once they've detected that a diabetic has a high risk calculation. 

The model was tested in three main studies to see whether it's prediction capabilities would prove accurate. Once the model was able to precisely predict the patients' risks, the researchers developed a prognostic version of the model. This way, the scientists can continue making improvements until the technology is ready for mass production.

"Absolute risk predictions in individual patients with Type 1 diabetes are important to timely identify the patients at high risk of major outcomes in order to enable strategies to prevent the development of such complications and to reduce health care costs," the researchers added in a statement. "A prognostic model is now available to assess the absolute risk of major outcomes in patients with type 1 diabetes. The prognostic model may be useful for providing individual risk estimates of major outcomes."

Current risk factors
There are four primary types of risk factors involved with developing Type 1 diabetes, which include:

  • Family history
  • Genetics
  • Age
  • Geography

If anyone in your family has a history of Type 1 diabetes, it automatically puts you at a substantial risk of contracting the disease. While Type 1 diabetes can technically develop at any age, there are two specific age gaps in which people are generally diagnosed. Between the ages of  are the quintessential age patterns for discovering Type 1 diabetes, according to the Mayo Clinic.

To combat the progression of Type 1 diabetes, there are a number of tactics that have proven to potentially alleviate symptoms. Insulin administration is essential for all diabetic patients, using either an injection or pump format to keep insulin production sufficient. Constantly monitoring your blood sugar levels is the only way to know whether you're staying within your preferred target range, and the American Diabetes Association recommends before meals and snacks, going to bed and prior to exercising or driving.

Of course, being prescribed Januvia is another way to help treat symptoms of diabetes, and whenever you need a refill of your medication, let a Canadian internet pharmacy be your source to buy Januvia at a cost-efficient price.