New molecule discovered that could help treat asthma

For Flovent users and the nearly 19 million adults currently living in the U.S. with asthma, any news is good news when it comes to potential treatments.

For Flovent users and the nearly currently living in the U.S. with asthma, any news is good news when it comes to potential treatments. According to recent research, scientists could be on the verge of discovering a new form of therapy that could serve as a breakthrough in the medical field.

A team of colleagues from several universities around the world joined forces to unveil their revolutionary finding of a that could potentially relieve allergic symptoms more effectively than ever before. The molecule in question is a byproduct of a sulfate monosaccharide, or a synthetic molecule, which is able to prevent T-cells from enabling asthma brought on by allergens.

Using mouse models for asthma research, the investigators were able to block T-cell signaling proteins from triggering asthma related symptoms within the lungs administering an excess of  synthetic sulfate monosaccharide within the body. Through halting the T-cells ability to recruit asthma allergens, side effects mostly resulting in respiratory inflammation were able to cease as well. The doctors were also able to induce the body with added synthetic sulfate monosaccharide through inhalation to the lungs.

Dr. Minoru Fukuda, a professor at the Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute and lead contributor to the study, was pleased to note that the evidence collected by his team's research indicators a very bright future in terms of asthma prevention.

"We have identified a , a sulfate monosaccharide, that inhibits the signal that recruits T-cells to the lungs to start an asthma attack," Fukuda said in a statement. "The molecule substantially lessened asthma symptoms such as inflammation, mucus production, and airway constriction. We look forward to the further development of the molecule to treat the millions of people who suffer from this chronic disease."

Treating symptoms today
While there is no exact known cure for asthma today, the best step toward treating symptoms is through knowledge of the ability to control the disease. This means that those suffering daily side effects of asthma need to be aggressive and take an active role in trying to get better. A few successful ways to help contain symptoms include:

  • Avoid known triggers for asthma, including frequent strenuous physical activity or smoking tobacco
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals
  • Know what medicines you need and what can happen without them
  • Keep in communication with your doctor regarding your plan to prevent asthma

One source of action against the disease is a prescription to Flovent, which helps provide relief for many general asthma related symptoms. If you are looking to buy Flovent, try purchasing from a Canadian online pharmacy for your next order.