New study confirms benefits of Lipitor

A prescription to buy Lipitor can reverse the effects of atherosclerosis, a condition in which arterial tissue stiffens due to high cholesterol levels, according to a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

A prescription to buy Lipitor can reverse the effects of atherosclerosis, a condition in which arterial tissue stiffens due to high cholesterol levels, according to a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Researchers from the Cleveland Clinic showed that maximum doses of Lipitor are as effective at reducing atherosclerotic symptoms as Crestor, one of the other leading brands of cholesterol-lowering statins.

Patients with high cholesterol who were treated with Lipitor saw a 0.99 percent decrease in plaque buildups in their arteries after being treated for two years. Equally as important, the study showed virtually no instances of adverse side effects associated with treatment.

Similar results were seen in Crestor patients. The researchers said their findings confirm the benefits of taking statin medications.

"The study demonstrates that the highest doses of the most effective statins currently available is safe, well tolerated and produces marked plaque regression," said lead researcher Stephen Nicholls. "The finding that these therapies produced low levels of LDL, raised HDL and removed plaque from the artery wall in a safe manner is positive news for patients with heart disease."