Nexium users can add natural treatments for acid reflux relief

If you suffer from acid reflux or GERD, then you know that some days are worse than others. Although Nexium can go a long way in subsiding your symptoms, you may need some extra assistance from time to time.

If you suffer from acid reflux or GERD, then you know that some days are worse than others. Although Nexium can go a long way in subsiding your symptoms, you may need some extra assistance from time to time. That's where natural treatments come into play.

The basics
Sure, you can avoid certain foods - fatty and citrus fruits are some of the main ones - but sometimes you have to give in to your cravings. Of course, limiting alcohol intake and not smoking should be easy remedies to help reduce acid reflux symptoms. However, most people are unable to control stress and reactions to medications other than Nexium that they are taking. This is where getting creative with treatments comes into play!

Aloe juice
If you decided to drink aloe juice to ease the inflammation caused by GERD in your stomach, just make sure not to drink too much. This can be used as a laxative and has unwanted and unexpected results if you aren't careful. About 1/2 cup before a meal can have the desired effects.

Baking soda
Also known as sodium bicarbonate, baking soda has been considered a great at-home treatment for acid reflux for some time. Your best bet is to mix 1/2 teaspoon with a full glass of water. Although it may not be the tastiest beverage you've enjoyed, it can do the trick! How so? When the baking soda reaches the acid in your stomach, it's able to neutralize it.

Chewing gum is a great way to prevent GERD immediately following a meal. Chew on a sugar-free piece for 30 minutes, and it will help to wash that acid away. Plus, you'll also have fresh breath - regardless of whether or not your dinner wish rich with garlic. How does this work? When you are chewing on gum, you will stimulate your salivary flow rate, which travels down to your gut where the acid is. Therefore, you are less likely to experience acid reflux symptoms.

These are just a few of the natural remedies Nexium users can add to their daily routine to help with acid reflux. Other items to consider include chamomile, lemon balm, licorice, milk thistle, peppermint, slippery elm and melatonin. So, the next time you are in the mood for a spicy dish, consider pairing your medication with one of those all-natural options.