Not all good cholesterol is actually good, researchers say

Some medical professionals may think that helping individuals increase their HDL cholesterol may be enough to support heart health.

Some medical professionals may think that helping individuals increase their HDL cholesterol may be enough to support heart health. However, new research indicates that not all types of this beneficial cholesterol actually improve one's cardiovascular condition, and some may actually be dangerous. The findings suggest that many may still require a prescription to buy Lipitor.

HDL cholesterol has been shown to sweep the arteries of buildups of plaque, which can contribute to heart disease. Boosting HDL and lowering the dangerous LDL cholesterol is the goal of many treatments.

However, a team of researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health showed that some HDL molecules have a protein on their surface. The presence of this protein may cause the cholesterol to promote inflammation and reduce its protective effects.

In a study that tracked the health of nearly 33,000 men and women for up to 14 years, the researchers found that people with high levels of the protein-laden HDL molecules in their blood were more likely to develop heart disease than those who had less.

The researchers said their findings could help develop a better understanding of how various forms of cholesterol affect heart health.