Obese females are likely to require Nexium

A number of female Nexium users may be suffering due to their struggle with obesity, according to recent research from the University of Rome La Sapienza.

A number of female Nexium users may be suffering due to their struggle with obesity, according to recent research from the University of Rome La Sapienza. It has been found that who are overweight.

Breakdown of the research
This study focused on 196 patients, 103 of whom were female and between the ages of 18 and 83. All of the participants were experiencing some type of GERD symptom at the time of the investigation. Professionals looked at the body mass index of each person and compared it to that of the general population in Italy, based on findings from the National Bureau of Census. Additionally, binomial tests were completed to evaluate links between GERD and different weight categories.

At the end of their research, the doctors discovered that 43 percent of the participating males suffering from GERD were found to be overweight. Additionally, 34.9 percent of the females who had these symptoms carried excess pounds. Since the study covered a range of ages, it was noted that this did not appear to have an effect on the link between GERD and obesity.

When these numbers were compared to the general Italian population, researchers indicated that 41.8 percent of males and 25.7 percent of females exceeded healthy weight levels. Therefore, it was concluded that GERD was of greater concern for females who are obese, rather than males.

Prevention of obesity
High levels of weight gain can be attributed to other health concerns, but it is generally a condition that people have the ability to control - to an extent. In order to prevent putting on added pounds and shed some of their extra weight, Nexium users will want to:

  • Regularly monitor their scaling to keep track how their daily activities and food intake are affecting the numbers.
  • Avoid "cheat" days when dieting and working out - this can make it difficult for dieters to stick to the routine on a day-to-day basis. This can also inhibit long-term success due to binging during holidays and vacations.
  • Recognize situations that cause them to overeat. Keeping a food journal can help to achieve this, and when patterns become visible, it will make it easier to handle triggers.

Although this information indicates that it is common for overweight women to suffer from GERD, that does not mean that obesity causes the condition. There are a number of things that may result in patients having acid reflux reactions.