Obesity contributes to arthritis in several ways

Keeping extra weight off is known to play an important role in preventing the development of arthritic conditions and minimizing the risk of requiring a prescription to buy Celebrex

Keeping extra weight off is known to play an important role in preventing the development of arthritic conditions and minimizing the risk of requiring a prescription to buy Celebrex. However, new research suggests that the reasons for this may not be as obvious as one would think.

Doctors have long noted an association between obesity and arthritis. It was presumed that carrying extra weight places strain on the joints, eventually leading to deterioration and pain. A study published in the journal Arthritis Care back in April confirmed this association.

However, lead researcher Eric Matteson told NPR that it appeared that the connection was not simply the product of extra wear and tear. "The link, we think, has to do with the activity of the fat cells themselves," he said.

Matteson said that fat cells are mediators of inflammatory processes throughout the body. This may contribute to the swelling and pain that is often observed in the joints of people with rheumatoid arthritis.

About 1.5 million adults in the U.S. have rheumatoid arthritis and two-thirds of obese people will develop an arthritic condition in their lifetime, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.