Online pharmacy drugs combined with holistic care may help patients with heartburn

After feasting on your favorite dish, there are few things worse than getting a terrible case of heartburn.

After feasting on your favorite dish, there are few things worse than getting a terrible case of heartburn. Unfortunately many of our most beloved foods - like spicy dishes - are known to cause acid reflux, but fortunately there are a drugs like Prevacid available from a Canadian online pharmacy that can curb this common digestive problem.

In addition to this popular medication, there are several holistic healthcare options you can implement right at home. Here are some of the best options for holistic healthcare and acid reflux:

Chewing gum
If you have a bad case of garlic breath, you can actually kill two birds with one stone by chewing gum. Enjoying a stick after your meal stimulates salivary glands. When this happens, any acid that is leftover from your meal in your gut can wash away quicker and more easily.

Baking soda
Believe it or not this old wives' tale can actually work for many people who are trying to stave off acid reflux. Because it is a base, it can help neutralize stomach acid. However, baking soda is also high in salt, so if you are sensitive to this ingredient, it might be best to stick to an over-the-counter medication like Prevacid.

We all know that aloe is known to reduce the inflammation associated with sunburns. However, its same healing properties may be the perfect complement to your heartburn medication. Juices from this plant could work with your medicine to quiet down the inflammation in your esophagus.

Apple cider vinegar
Mixing 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water could be an excellent way to neutralize the acid in your digestive system. However, the pungent taste of this pantry item isn't for everyone, so make sure to have your medication handy if this doesn't work out.