Online programs help depression patients deal with symptoms

The use of online depression counseling programs may bring significant symptom relief and help people avoid common complications of the mood disorder, according to a new study from a team of Australian researchers.

The use of online depression counseling programs may bring significant symptom relief and help people avoid common complications of the mood disorder, according to a new study from a team of Australian researchers. The findings suggest that online counseling could complement a prescription to buy Paxil.

In the study, researchers from Australian National University surveyed groups of individuals who subsequently signed on to websites offering help with dealing with depression after calling a crisis help line.

The results showed that individuals who made use of these online tools reported less severe depression symptoms than those who didn't. Additionally, they were less likely to abuse alcohol, had higher quality of life and increased their knowledge of depression and how to handle its symptoms.

"We didn’t expect these results, as the programs are designed specifically to treat depression. It’s exciting to see that by alleviating depression, these programs may also be helpful in improving how people function in their day-to-day lives," said lead researcher Lou Farrer.

She added that it might be worthwhile offering online counseling programs to everyone who calls depression crisis lines.