Osteoarthritis pain can be crippling

Some people think when they receive a diagnosis of osteoarthritis that living with the condition will be relatively easy.

Some people think when they receive a diagnosis of osteoarthritis that living with the condition will be relatively easy. While most people are aware that the disease will cause joint pain, few are aware of just how crippling that pain can be. This is why it is important for individuals to talk to their doctors about a prescription to buy Celebrex to help them manage the pain.

"People [without arthritis] do not want to know how bad it can be," said Dr. Cy Frank, an orthopedic surgeon affiliated with the University of Calgary. "It's not just aches and pains, it very often can become severe, mind-numbingly painful and you don't ever want to feel that."

Dr. Frank characterized the mistaken belief that osteoarthritis pain isn't that bad as one of the most common myths associated with the disease. Unfortunately, this line of thinking can prevent individuals from pursuing treatments at an early stage in the disease's development, when it is most treatable.

A prescription to buy Celebrex may be one of the most effective methods for dealing with the pain associated with osteoarthritis.