Phone calls help diabetics adopt healthier lifestyles

A prescription to buy Actos can greatly improve diabetics' ability to control their blood sugar levels. However, lifestyle changes are equally important.

A prescription to buy Actos can greatly improve diabetics' ability to control their blood sugar levels. However, lifestyle changes are equally important. New evidence suggests that contacting patients by phone may be an effective way to deliver lifestyle counseling and help people improve their condition.

For the study, a team of researchers from the University of California, San Francisco contacted 230 diabetics once per month over the phone for a period of six months. Half the group was given specific dietary advice, while the other half received more general lifestyle counseling.

The results showed that diabetics who received advice on living a healthy lifestyle ate more fruits and vegetables, consumed less fat, lost more weight and improved cholesterol levels to a greater degree than those who only received specific nutritional advice.

The researchers noted that diabetes is increasing in prevalence. This underscores the need for finding ways to effectively manage the condition. Given the fact that the risk of developing metabolic problems is so closely tied to individuals' lifestyles, it makes sense to help people improve in these areas.