Plavix shown to be safe for PCI patients

Plavix users will be happy to know that a recent study showed no added risk when undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention following this use of this drug and statins.

Plavix users will be happy to know that a recent study showed no added risk when undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention following this use of this drug and statins. Professionals from Massachusetts General Hospital recently conducted a study to evaluate the effects of calcium channel blockers and statins in addition to PCI.

Plavix information
Patients who buy Plavix from Canadian pharmacies may suffer from a variety of health concerns. This medication is used to help prevent heart attacks and reduce the risk for strokes in those with heart disease. It works as a blood thinner when paired with aspirin to help promote blood vessel health and prevent clots from occurring following certain surgical procedures. As a result, it's not uncommon for someone taking this Canadian drug to also use be prescribed statins or require PCI, making the effects these medical decisions have on each other pertinent to ensure patient health.

More on the research
By analyzing a group of 7,000 individuals, medical professionals were able to collect information regarding the rates of clopidogrel-treated patients who were on statins or CCBs, as well as those not being administered either drug. The findings indicated that there was no increased health risk in any of these cases when a participant was also using a proton pump inhibitor.

"Overall, in patients with an acute coronary syndrome undergoing PCI, the clinical efficacy of clopidogrel did not appear to be significantly modified by concomitant CCB and.or statin use," Dr. Michelle O'Donoghue, co-author of the study, said of the research.

Additionally, the researchers found that statins and CCBs had no influence on the effectiveness or safety of treatment. This means that previous concerns can be put to rest as health care professionals move forward with treatment.

However, anyone who is using Plavix should be aware of a few precautions. For instance, those who have a history with certain bleeding conditions, liver disease or who have recently experienced trauma or surgery should not use the drug. As a blood thinner, it may cause serious complications for recovery. This is why it's important for all patients to provide a thorough medical history with their doctors. A physician can also inform Plavix users of any side effects the drug may cause, such as stomach pain or easy bruising. These results may worsen when taken with certain medications.