Poor blood sugar control may lead to kidney damage

A prescription to buy Actos can play an important role in a diabetic's ability to control their blood sugar levels.

A prescription to buy Actos can play an important role in a diabetic's ability to control their blood sugar levels. This may be the most critical way in which a person with diabetes can avoid future health complications. Unchecked glucose can lead to numerous health risks.

For example, a team of researchers recently reported in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism that individuals with metabolic syndrome who have poorly controlled blood sugar levels are significantly more likely to develop chronic kidney disease.

Metabolic syndrome is a collection of conditions that includes abdominal obesity, unhealthy cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and insulin resistance. Many patients with the syndrome develop diabetes because their bodies are unable to keep glucose levels in check.

"Our study suggests that people can safeguard their kidneys when they take care of their blood glucose levels and lose weight," said lead researcher Chung-Jen Yen of the National Taiwan University.

He added that the problem may be most severe among the elderly population, and more should be done to protect these individuals from the dangers of kidney disease. For those who have trouble controlling their blood sugar levels, this may include a prescription to buy Actos.