Population expected to remain reliant on prescriptions to buy Celebrex

A prescription to buy Celebrex or other chronic pain medications may continue be to among the most commonly administered drugs, according to a new report from the research firm Decision Resources.

A prescription to buy Celebrex or other chronic pain medications may continue be to among the most commonly administered drugs, according to a new report from the research firm Decision Resources.

The paper says that there are high numbers of patients suffering conditions like osteoarthritis that require constant treatments for individuals to be able to remain active and engaged in their lives. This will lead to continually high prescription rates for medications like Celebrex.

"Traditionally, chronic back pain and osteoarthritis pain have been the largest segments of the chronic pain market due to the highly prevalent patient populations," said analyst Natalie Taylor. "In 2010, there were 76 million cases of osteoarthritis pain in the major pharmaceutical markets."

Currently, arthritis medications make up about 57 percent of the total pain-management medication market, which underscores the both the high number of people who suffer from arthritic conditions and the necessity of treating these diseases with medications.

At least for the foreseeable future, managing the pain of osteoarthritis will be the best doctors can do. This means a prescription to buy Celebrex will likely remain among the best options.