Prevent winter asthma triggers from causing an attack with Flovent

Flovent users may think that winter is a safe time to avoid asthma triggers, but that isn't always the case.

Flovent users may think that winter is a safe time to avoid asthma triggers, but that isn't always the case. Cold weather and seasonal irritants can lead to an attack just like any other time of the year. In the winter, you might experience coughing, wheezing, chest pain or tightness and shortness of breath when the temperatures reach particularly low numbers. But, what else may be causing you or your children issues?

  • A great Christmas tradition is going to the lot and picking out your family tree. After the lights are strung and ornaments are hung, you might regret that decision. Some trees contain microscopic mold spores that may get your asthma going. Instead, opt for a faux variety - they are equally as beautiful and much less dangerous.
  • Another great holiday decoration: artificial snow. However, when inhaled, this can be extremely dangerous and cause an asthma attack, as it disrupts the lungs.
  • At holiday parties there's generally a lot of food. If you have a food allergy, it might be wise to ask the cook which ingredients were used during the preparation of each dish. Consuming foods one is allergic to can be extremely dangerous, and may even trigger an asthma attack as well.
  • While rushing to make it to each of the family gatherings, you are apt to get a little stressed out, which can lead to your asthma acting up. Take it easy and enjoy the season with your family, making sure not to cram too much into a single day.

In addition to taking necessary precautions, you will want to ensure that you have Flovent on hand while traveling. If your prescription is running low, be sure to buy Flovent online before you leave for your trip. That way, you don't have to concern yourself with running out while you're busy enjoying time with friends and family.