Rates of knee arthritis skyrocket

The number of older Americans suffering from significant knee pain associated with arthritis has risen dramatically over the course of the last three decades, according to a new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

The number of older Americans suffering from significant knee pain associated with arthritis has risen dramatically over the course of the last three decades, according to a new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. The findings suggest that there may be many people who require a prescription to buy Hyalgan.

A team of researchers from Boston University analyzed data collected by the federal government since the 1970s and found that number of individuals suffering knee pain has increase threefold during that time.

The team largely blamed rising obesity rates for the higher prevalence of knee arthritis. In fact, 2011 marked the first that every state in the U.S. had obesity rates over 20 percent. Carrying extra weight can put a tremendous amount of strain on a person's knees, increasing their risk of developing arthritis.

Despite rising rates of joint problems, treatments have also improved during this time. Now, a prescription to buy Hyalgan can make it much easier for an individual who suffers from knee arthritis to live comfortably with their condition.