Reports say diabetes has doubled over the past two decades

Januvia users should be aware that there are currently almost 26 million Americans who are living with diabetes, according to the American Diabetes Association.

Januvia users should be aware that there are currently almost who are living with diabetes, according to the American Diabetes Association. It is also reported that 79 million people in the U.S. already have a pre-diabetic condition, which is an indication that some, but not all, of the criteria are met to diagnose someone with diabetes. The real cause for alarm is that, according to recent reports, the number of people who have developed this illness has significantly increased over the past 20 years.

Researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health recently analyzed statistics that show staggering results that say diabetes and pre-diabetes have since the late 1980s. The doctors say that the main connection between the rise in statistics has also been the gradual obesity crisis in the U.S. that correlates with the diabetes epidemic.

The total population percentage of those who have diabetes has risen from 6 percent in 1988 to 10 percent in 2011, while cases of pre-diabetes of increased from 12 percent to 30 percent during the same time. This theory coincides with the American Diabetes Association's prediction that by the year 2050, 1 in 3 American adults will have diabetes, if current trends continue.

Dr. Elizabeth Selvin, a professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and lead author of the study, warns Americans that current dietary trends could have an alarming impact on future generation's health.

"There is a growing need to , especially since most cases of diabetes can be prevented through weight loss and other lifestyle changes," Selvin said in a statement. "The implications of the increase in pre-diabetes and diabetes are enormous but the good news is we are doing better with screening and diagnosis."

While the number of cases with diabetes has certainly increased, the only thing that has been reduced over the past few decades has been the number of undiagnosed people. The researchers found that only 11 percent of diabetes cases in the U.S. are going undiagnosed, meaning that doctors have had better ability to catch diabetes in patients through testings and screenings.

Changing your lifestyle
As Selvin insists, lifestyle factors are the main area of concerns regarding the gradual incline of diabetes over the years. A few ways that can better your health while decreasing your chances of developing the disease include:

  • exercise at least 30 minutes per day
  • lose 7 to 10 pounds in one month
  • eat whole grain foods instead of processed carbohydrates
  • avoid sugary sodas and caffeine
  • eliminate fast food from your diet entirely

While a prescription to Januvia can help reduce diabetic symptoms, sticking to these lifestyle choices will also prevent side effects from occurring. You can buy Januvia from a Canadian online pharmacy.