Researchers determine importance of improving cholesterol with diabetes

Talking to one's doctor about a prescription to buy Lipitor may be beneficial for anyone at risk for suffering a heart attack or stroke, but new research suggests it is particularly important for diabetics.

Talking to one's doctor about a prescription to buy Lipitor may be beneficial for anyone at risk for suffering a heart attack or stroke, but new research suggests it is particularly important for diabetics.

A team of investigators from the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research analyzed the medical records of more than 30,000 individuals with diabetes. They reported in the American Journal of Cardiology that those with the highest levels of HDL were significantly less likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke.

Diabetes is known to be a risk factor for experiencing a cardiovascular event. In fact, heart disease is the leading cause of death among diabetics. However, the findings of the study suggest that individuals may be able to mitigate their risk by taking steps to improve their cholesterol levels.

"This is promising news for patients with diabetes, who already have an increased risk for heart problems. Raising their good cholesterol may be one more way for these patients to reduce their risk," said Suma Vupputuri, who co-authored the study.