Researchers discover source of inflammation that leads to arthritis

Currently, a prescription to buy Hyalgan is one of the best treatments for individuals who suffer from arthritis. It works by lubricating individuals' joints, as the grinding of bones against each other is the primary cause of pain.

Currently, a prescription to buy Hyalgan is one of the best treatments for individuals who suffer from arthritis. It works by lubricating individuals' joints, as the grinding of bones against each other is the primary cause of pain. However, a new study may lead to the development of medications that address the cause of the deterioration of joint tissue in the first place.

A team of researchers from the Cleveland clinic has identified a cellular pathway that is responsible for controlling inflammatory responses. Inflammation is widely regarded as a contributing factor to the development of arthritic pain conditions.

The researchers said it may be possible to develop new medications that turn off this pathway, thereby putting a break on inflammation that may lead to arthritis.

"We are excited by the possibilities that this new research opens up for developing improved therapeutics for these difficult diseases," said lead researcher Thomas Hamilton.

He added that controlling inflammation may be beneficial to conditions other than arthritis. Swelling is known to play a role in diabetes, heart disease and inflammatory bowel disease.