Researchers discover strong ability to regenerate tissue in the knee

Individuals who require a prescription to buy Hyalgan to treat their arthritic knees may feel as though their condition is hopeless. However, a team of researchers from Duke University believes it may be possible to reverse the symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee.

Individuals who require a prescription to buy Hyalgan to treat their arthritic knees may feel as though their condition is hopeless. However, a team of researchers from Duke University believes it may be possible to reverse the symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee.

The investigators recently conducted a study in which they found that the tissue of the knee is constantly regenerating itself. This was not the case in arthritic hips. They said it may be possible to design treatments that preserve this regenerative effect while turning off the mechanisms that break down cartilage.

"This suggests the knee has capacity for repair we didn't know about and the main treatment strategy probably would need to focus on turning off the breakdown of knee tissue," said Virginia Kraus, who led the investigation. "I was hugely surprised to find this."

She added that her team is already investigating various substances that may negate some of the molecular causes of the breakdown of cartilage tissue. This could lead to new treatments in the near future.

Until then, individuals who struggle with the pain of osteoarthritis of the knee may benefit from a prescription to buy Hyalgan.