Researchers find hidden cause of arthritis

Many experts would say that a person who has develop arthritis and requires a prescription to buy Celebrex likely developed the condition - at least in part - from persistent wear and tear on their joints. However, researchers from Stanford University are now challenging this paradigm.

Many experts would say that a person who has develop arthritis and requires a prescription to buy Celebrex likely developed the condition - at least in part - from persistent wear and tear on their joints. However, researchers from Stanford University are now challenging this paradigm.

The team recently conducted a study in which they found inflammation often precedes the deterioration of joint tissue, according to the San Jose Mercury News. This swelling can attack the cartilage between joints and over time wear it down to nothing.

The investigation revealed that some people have genes that activate this process to a greater degree. Following an injury - even a slight one - in which the joint is affected, these individuals with genetic susceptibility experience much greater inflammation and damage in their joints. This process is what eventually causes arthritis.

Researchers told the news source that they are hopeful their findings will eventually lead to the development of new treatments that control this inflammatory reaction and prevent the progression of arthritis.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that upwards of 50 million people in the U.S. have been diagnosed with some form of arthritis.