Researchers find how being overweight for extended period effects diabetes risk

Both the degree to which a person is obese and the length of time they have been overweight are important factors in determining whether or not they will develop diabetes and require a prescription to buy Actos, according to a new study.

Both the degree to which a person is obese and the length of time they have been overweight are important factors in determining whether or not they will develop diabetes and require a prescription to buy Actos, according to a new study.

Obesity is a well-known risk factor for type 2 diabetes. However, some people who are overweight never develop the condition. To find out why, researchers from the University of Michigan looked at the health records of obese individuals to see how long they struggled with excess fat.

The team found that multiplying the amount a person is overweight (as measured by how many points their body mass index is above 25, the standard for being overweight) by the number of years they have been at the weight is a better predictor of future diabetes risk than BMI alone. This number represents a person's "lifetime dose."

Researchers said the findings are important because the childhood obesity rate is higher than ever. This means that people are living longer lives with excess weight. Understanding the impact of this on their body could have important implications.