Researchers find potential treatment for resistant breast cancer

A prescription to buy Tamoxifen can help most women avoid having breast cancer return, but there is a small segment of patients for whom the treatment is useless.

A prescription to buy Tamoxifen can help most women avoid having breast cancer return, but there is a small segment of patients for whom the treatment is useless. Women with triple-negative breast cancer tend to have poor treatment outcomes because the type of cancer tends not to respond to conventional therapies.

However, a team of researchers from Boston University recently announced the development of a new medication combination that may successfully kill off remaining breast cancer cells in women with triple-negative cancer and prevent tumors from returning.

Triple-negative breast cancer is so difficult to treat because, unlike most other forms of the disease, it lacks receptors for hormones, which means it does not respond to conventional hormonal therapies.

To solve this problem, the researchers looked at a medication that inhibits the activity of a certain protein. In testing conducted on cancer cells, this medication prevented the growth of cancer cells.

While there is still a long way to go before the medication can be used to treat breast cancer patients, the results show that there is reason to believe it may be possible to effectively treat triple-negative breast cancer.