Researchers uncover process that potentially causes arthritis

People who have to buy Hyalgan for arthritic conditions most likely have overactive immune systems that have attacked their joints, leading to the deterioration of cartilage and pain.

People who have to buy Hyalgan for arthritic conditions most likely have overactive immune systems that have attacked their joints, leading to the deterioration of cartilage and pain. While this process has long been known as the cause of arthritis, it was less clear what caused the overactive immune system in the first place.

Now, a team of researchers from Northwestern University has shown that a deficiency of a certain protein may cause the immune system to launch into its destructive reaction. Furthermore, their investigation showed that supplementing this protein may help prevent arthritic conditions from progressing.

The study revealed that a protein known as P21 keeps immune system cells functioning properly and in an orderly manner. The researchers compared the molecule to a bouncer at a nightclub. However, when the bouncer is absent, things can get out of hand. This is when the immune system starts attacking the body.

The finding that supplementing P21 protein produces improvements could eventually lead to the development of new medications. Until then, the best option of people who suffer from the condition is to talk to their doctor about a prescription to buy Hyalgan.