Seasonal affective disorder and Effexor treatment effectiveness

There are many people, men and women alike, who feel depressed during the winter months. In some landscapes, these symptoms can be especially exaggerated due to the duration and severity of these seasons.

There are many people, men and women alike, who feel depressed during the winter months. In some landscapes, these symptoms can be especially exaggerated due to the duration and severity of these seasons. The northern states in the U.S., as well as territories further north all around the globe, can be susceptible to such medical complications, making it essential for people to seek out treatments like Effexor and other antidepressants for at least part of the year.

However, with cases like these, it may make more sense for people to use holistic and alternative treatments methods. Since these symptoms are only based on heavy snow and a lack of sunlight, warm weather and other elements that these people might prefer, there may be other ways to relieve the severity and incidence rate of such episodes.

Finding other treatment avenues
The San Bernardino Sun, a California news agency, reported that seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, is a syndrome that makes people experience depressive symptoms during the winter months only. These instances are just as potent as chronic depressive episodes, but the use of Effexor may not be applicable for those who only feel these conditions during certain times of the year. The source stated that other treatments like sunlight exposure, physical activity and cognitive sessions can help relieve the severity of these conditions.

The Sun reported that these symptoms are reliant on hormone imbalances, so certain vitamins and sunlight therapies may help provide the missing nutrients that people need in order to feel better. Exposure to natural sunlight or a light box can help relieve the severity of these symptoms. People who live in remote parts of the world that experience days of darkness at a time may benefit especially from these kinds of topical and psychological treatments, the source stated.

In addition, working out during winter months can help bolster the effects of light boxes and Effexor?, according to The Spectrum, an independent student publication from the University of Buffalo. Such resources are vital to managing mood when people can't self-administer other methods of boosting regular cortisol and brain chemicals to help promote a better personal outlook. However, it might be a good idea for affected individuals to invest in a gym membership, home workout equipment and other kinds of exercise DVDs and the like for times when the weather keeps them indoors consistently.