Several lifestyle factors are important when it comes to diabetes risk

There are many things a person with diabetes can do to improve their condition. Seeking a prescription to buy Actos may be one of the most obvious.

There are many things a person with diabetes can do to improve their condition. Seeking a prescription to buy Actos may be one of the most obvious. However, lifestyle habits like the type of food they eat or the amount of exercise they get is also important.

A recent study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine showed just how important these things can be. Researchers from the National Institutes of Health tracked the condition of more than 200,000 men and women for several years. Their results quantified the degree to which lifestyle factors can mitigate diabetes risk.

Men who ate healthy diets, exercised and did not smoke were shown to be 61 percent less likely to develop diabetes. Furthermore, those who also had a healthy amount of abdominal fat were at an additional 28 percent lower risk.

The researchers said their findings underscore the importance of embracing a total lifestyle change when seeking to limit the chances of developing diabetes. This may deliver better results than simply improving one or two lifestyle areas.