Statin medications may improve cirrhosis treatment outcomes

A prescription to buy Lipitor is generally given to patients with high cholesterol, but new research suggests the medication may also play an important role in improving the health of individuals with cirrhosis.

A prescription to buy Lipitor is generally given to patients with high cholesterol, but new research suggests the medication may also play an important role in improving the health of individuals with cirrhosis.

Researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston reported at a recent conference of Digestive Disease Week that cirrhosis patients who take statin medications are less likely to experience decompensation, a state in which the liver stops producing new, healthy liver cells, according to MedPage Today.

Additionally, the results showed that statin users were less likely to die from any cause during the study period. The researchers said the findings contradict previously held beliefs that statin medications are not safe for liver disease patients. The results suggest that cirrhosis patients may actually benefit from statins.

The findings could have many implications for the future of cirrhosis treatment. Preventing decompensation is critical in the treatment of the liver disease. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases states that as long as the liver is capable of regenerating healthy tissue, a person can live with cirrhosis.