Study confirms heart health benefits of exercise

Individuals can buy Plavix to control their risk of developing heart disease, and experts say that this medication is even more effective when it is paired with lifestyle improvements.

Individuals can buy Plavix to control their risk of developing heart disease, and experts say that this medication is even more effective when it is paired with lifestyle improvements. In particular, getting more physical energy can significantly cut a person's chances of developing the condition.

Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health recently found that regular physical activity, even in relatively small doses, can play an important role in preserving heart health.

The team analyzed the results of nine previously published investigations into the benefits of exercise. The findings showed that people who got 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week were 14 percent less likely to develop heart disease. The chances of cardiovascular problems continued to drop as participants exercised more.

"Even a little bit of exercise is good, but more is better - 150 minutes of exercise per week is beneficial, 300 minutes per week will give even more benefits," said Jacob Sattelmair, who led the investigation.

He added that the findings generally confirm government guidelines on the amount of time a person should spend exercising each day. When these recommendations are followed and a person buys Plavix, they may be able to significantly reduce their risk of heart disease.