Study explores geographic and gender differences among stroke patients

As Clopidogrel users can attest to, a stroke continues to be a serious and deadly health ailment that is the cause of more than 140,000 mortalities a year in the United States, making it the third leading cause of death in the country.

As Clopidogrel users can attest to, a stroke continues to be a serious and deadly health ailment that is the cause of more than a year in the United States, making it the third leading cause of death in the country. While its origins and symptoms are widely researched, its relationship in regards to gender and geography is a topic that has never been fully explored - until now.

Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania publicly presented their study of how your sex and where you live in can at the American Academy of Neurology's 66th Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. Topics that were analyzed included whether living in a hot or cold climate affected your likelihood of stroke, how a smartphone application can help diagnose early symptoms of stroke and who - between a man and a woman - is more at risk for enduring blood clots within the brain. 

The doctors explored various regions of the United States, trying to find supposed "hot spots" for stroke activity where mortality rates were routinely higher. Their results indicated that the Southeastern states of America were found to be upwards of 40 percent higher in terms of stroke risk than the national average, while also extending farther west and north, with the researchers labeling this section as the "stroke belt." It was also intriguing to note that while certain areas that were labeled "hot spots" for stroke activity had far more documented cases of blood clots in the brain, regions in the U.S. that identified as "cool" spots in the country actually had a 1.5 higher rate of mortality, primarily due to inefficient access to optimal stroke care.

Their next study regarded stroke treatment disparities between men and women, specifically exploring which gender receives the greater overall quality of care. While the researchers' evidence suggested a small difference in the extent of stroke care, the results still found that women were less likely to receive treatment using a clot-busting recombinant tissue plasminogen activator than men. A tissue plasminogen activator works as an active protein that is able to break down blood clots and is widely considered as an effective source of stroke therapy. The researchers hoped that their research would raise questions regarding female stroke care, on top of previous medical studies that had shown that women were more likely to receive lower quality stroke care and are also more inclined to be disabled after stroke than men. 

Knowing the sudden indicators of stroke
One of the most important aspects in regards to prevention of serious injury after someone suffers a stroke is being able to recognize the signs right away. Symptoms can be abrupt and come out of nowhere, and can include:

  • Sudden confusion or trouble speaking
  • Abrupt weakness in the face or limbs
  • Dizziness or loss of balance
  • Blurred vision
  • Sudden attack of severe headaches

One way to protect yourself against a swift stroke attack is through Clopidogrel, a medication that works to lower the risks of symptoms associated with brain blood clots. If you have recently been approved of a prescription, you can always buy Clopidogrel using a Canadian online pharmacy.