Study uses stem cells to treat osteoporosis

Currently, a prescription to buy Fosamax is one of the most effective treatments for osteoporosis. However, a team of researchers from the University of California, Davis Health System may have developed a therapy that could utilize stem cells to boost bone density.

Currently, a prescription to buy Fosamax is one of the most effective treatments for osteoporosis. However, a team of researchers from the University of California, Davis Health System may have developed a therapy that could utilize stem cells to boost bone density.

The researchers reported in the journal Nature Medicine that they were able to engineer a molecule that, when injected into the bloodstream, prompts stem cells to already present in the body to travel to the surface of bones. Once there, the stem cells begin to differentiate into molecules that build bone tissue, increasing bone density.

The molecule was tested on mice, and trials indicated that it was effective at reducing the signs of osteoporosis. The researchers said the therapy holds major promise for the treatment of the condition.

"For the first time, we may have potentially found a way to direct a person's own stem cells to the bone surface where they can regenerate bone," said Nancy Lane, one of the researchers on the study. "This technique could become a revolutionary new therapy for osteoporosis as well as for other conditions that require new bone formation."

Still, it could be many years before the treatment is ready for humans. In the meantime, individuals at risk for developing osteoporosis may benefit from talking to their doctor about a prescription to buy Fosamax.