Tai chi might be able to help your heart out

For Lovenox users trying to find a simple yet engaging physical activity that can help improve their cardiovascular activity, results may come in an ancient Chinese defense practice.

For Lovenox users trying to find a simple yet engaging physical activity that can help improve their cardiovascular activity, results may come in an ancient Chinese defense practice. Tai chi is a form of martial arts that is known to increase a variety of health benefits, from improving the quality of life for recent heart attack victims to assisting in balance for stroke sufferers. One study in particular recently focused on how implementing this graceful exercise can supply the sufficient blood flow your body needs.

Professors at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center enlisted with heart failure-related symptoms from the Brigham & Women's Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital to study whether the training in tai chi was able to aid subjects with heart treatment. Essentially, tai chi is an exercise that focuses on balance, advanced breathing techniques and circular movements that are aimed to increase focus on self awareness. The goal of the study was to provide an alternative source of physical activity for older individuals with heart problems that wasn't too vigorous but still yielded positive health results.  

All of the subjects involved in the study had side effects related to cardiovascular complications. These included a wide variety of ailments, ranging from shortness of breath, excessive coughing, chronic venous congestion and an intolerance to cardiovascular activity. After analyzing how the patients reacted to tai chi being implemented in their daily activities, the researchers found that compared to minimal daily exercise, daily tai chi regimens were similar in patients' peak oxygen intake while significantly increasing the amount of calories burned per week. There was also reported improvement in the emotional states of the subjects after analyzing answers of self-mood questionnaires completed by participants.

Gloria Yeh, a professor at Harvard Medical School and co-author of the study, saw the benefits of practicing tai chi as a secure alternative in therapeutic treatment for those recently affected by heart failure.

"Tai chi is safe and has a good rate of adherence and may provide value in improving daily exercise, quality of life, self-efficacy and mood in frail, deconditioned patients with ," Yeh said in a press statement. "Tai chi offers a complement to standard medical care. Because chronic heart failure is a progressive and debilitating condition, the independent importance of beneficially affecting patient-perceived quality of life is increasingly appreciated. Improvement of mood in this population is highly relevant."

Other ways to alleviate heart problems
Essentially, the most productive measures one can take to lower the risk of a heart attack occurring are through simple, yet important changes to your lifestyle. These types of factors can include:

  • Avoiding tobacco use
  • Receiving 30 minutes of daily physical activity
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Striving for a healthy weight
  • Limiting alcohol consumption

In addition to these precautions, Lovenox is a suitable medication that can help improve blood flow and cardiovascular activity within the body. Whenever you run out of your prescription, you can always buy Lovenox from a Canadian online pharmacy.