The elderly and ethnic groups are more likely to need Effexor

Recently, a study conducted at Michigan State University found that depression may be more common in ethnic groups.

Recently, a study conducted at Michigan State University found that depression may be more common in ethnic groups. It's well known that the elderly are likely to use antidepressants like Effexor, but the baby boomer population may be at a greater need for the drug if they are of Caribbean descent.

Research findings
"It's clear that major among older people," Amanda Toler Woodward, lead author on the study, said in a statement.

This research aimed to compare major depression rates between three ethnic groups: whites, African Americans and black Caribbeans. The investigation revealed that 24 percent of whites ages 50 and older had symptoms associated with depression once or more in their lifetimes. Only 9 percent of these individuals experienced issues within the previous 12 months.

When it came to African Americans, only 17 percent of the participants experienced major depression at some point in their lives. However, 7 percent had symptoms within 12 months prior to the study. Twenty-three percent of black Caribbeans who partook in the research reported having major depression throughout their lifetimes. Additionally, 15 percent had dealt with the condition within the last year. The study also uncovered that more males than females of Caribbean descent had higher rates of depression.

Researchers were unable to attribute the higher rate of major depression in black Caribbeans. Although, they do believe this information shows that this ethnic group should be considered separately when considering treatment options such as Effexor for the disease.

Depression in the elderly
It's important to be aware of how often depression occurs in the elderly. There are 35 million Americans aged 65 and older, and 6.5 million of them suffer from the mental illness. Although a number of these individuals have been experiencing symptoms throughout their lifetimes, depression can also develop later in life.

Signs commonly include confusion, memory loss, irritability and loss of appetite. However, the disease often goes untreated or is mistaken for Alzheimer's or Parkinson's diseases, dementia or thyroid disorders - along with a variety of other health concerns. Regardless of age, depression can often be treated.

Before anyone begins treatment for depression with Effexor, they should consult a health care professional. Once an individual begins taking the drug, they should experience relief from their symptoms, as the medication works to increase levels of norepinephrine and serotonin. As a result, most patients stop feeling down and start to have a more positive outlook on life, which can greatly influence their overall well-being.