Tighter glucose control may help diabetics avoid mood disorders

Mood disorders like depression are known to be much more common in people with diabetes than they are in the general public. New commentary suggests that tighter glucose control may help address this problem.

Mood disorders like depression are known to be much more common in people with diabetes than they are in the general public. New commentary suggests that tighter glucose control may help address this problem. A prescription to buy Actos can enable a person with diabetes to bring their condition under control.

Writing in the journal Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, Tim Wysochi, of Nemours Children's Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, said that the link between low mood and poor glucose management is well known. What's less clear is whether depression precedes high blood sugar or is a consequence.

However, he did point to some evidence that suggests that people are more likely to develop depression after periods of unregulated blood sugar. This suggests that strict glycemic control may help diabetics avoid developing a mood disorder.

There are many ways diabetics can manage their blood sugar levels more effectively. Eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise have both been shown to improve glycemic control. Additionally, a prescription to buy Actos may be effective for some patients.