Tips for drinking when taking Canadian drugs for diabetes

Those who are taking Canadian drugs to help control their Type 2 diabetes will want to take some precautions on New Year's Eve.

Those who are taking Canadian drugs to help control their Type 2 diabetes will want to take some precautions on New Year's Eve. From drinking to eating, there are plenty of triggers that can increase or decrease blood sugar levels in patients. Ensure that you ring in 2014 happy and healthy with these tips:

Drinking on New Year's
Diabetics should always talk to their doctors before having a drink, no matter what time of year it is. Most clinicians will advise that men drink no more than two drinks in a single-day period, while women will want to limit themselves to just one. Now, the question is: What qualifies as a drink? It depends on what you're drinking. For instance, a 5-ounce glass of wine is equal to one serving, while 12-ounces of beer also is. However, there are additional precautions you can take to help keep your glucose levels at a healthy level.

When mixing drinks, stick to sugar-free options. Some good alternatives may be water or even juice. Most sodas are full of sugar, which can be dangerous to a diabetic's health. Additionally, you might want to enjoy a glass of water in between beverages. Regardless of what or how much you are drinking, you should test your blood sugar levels first. If they are too low, you should refrain from joining in on any toasts all together.

Tips for eating
If you are planning to head out to a party on New Year's Eve, make sure that your dinner plays a role in the night. Drinking on an empty stomach can have a number of effects on your body. For instance, if you haven't had dinner before you head to the party, the alcohol you drink will be absorbed into your blood stream more quickly. As a result, the effects of the booze are likely to be more intense. Drinking can also lead to overeating. This is because as the alcohol makes you more relaxed, you are likely to make poor eating decisions. So, while limiting the amount you drink can help, so can a full stomach.

When ordering prescriptions to help maintain your blood sugar levels from a Canadian online pharmacy, make sure you talk to your doctor about any effects drinking alcohol may have on it. In some instances, you may not even be allowed to drink while on the medication. If that's the case, you may want to avoid the booze completely.