Treating arthritis may limit heart disease risk

Patients with arthritis are known to be a higher risk of suffering cardiovascular complications. However, new research suggests that seeking a prescription to buy Hyalgan or other arthritis medications may help control the inflammation that contributes to heart problems.

Patients with arthritis are known to be a higher risk of suffering cardiovascular complications. However, new research suggests that seeking a prescription to buy Hyalgan or other arthritis medications may help control the inflammation that contributes to heart problems.

The pain and swelling associated with rheumatoid arthritis is generally caused by the immune system attacking joints. This leads to inflammation. The new study, which was published in the journal Arthritis Research and Therapy, found that this inflammation can begin to affect the heart, increasing the risk of complications.

However, the study also showed that patients who were treated with antirheumatic drugs like Hyalgan were less likely to experience heart problems. Controlling the inflammation that causes pain in the joints apparently also limits inflammation in the cardiovascular system, limiting the risk of heart disease.

"Inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis increases patients risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular events," said Solveig Wållberg-Jonsson, one of the researchers on the study. "However it is possible to reduce this risk in a two-pronged attack by treating both the inflammation and traditional risk factors for heart disease."