Treating depression may require more than one approach

Successfully treating depression may take more than a simple prescription to buy Paxil, according to a new study.

Successfully treating depression may take more than a simple prescription to buy Paxil, according to a new study. While antidepressants may be a part of the solution, multiple treatments may be necessary to help individuals with the mood disorder improve their condition.

The University of Pittsburgh researchers who conducted the study said that many patients with depression also have other physical health problems like diabetes or heart disease. This can complicate the treatment process and make individuals more prone to relapse.

For the study, the team examined results from a previously conducted investigation. The results showed that patients rarely achieved remission of their depression after just one treatment. Often, they required multiple medications, cognitive behavioral therapy or interpersonal psychotherapy.

The team said their finding "suggests that, in actual practice, most patients need several sequential treatment steps to achieve remission."

They added that deep brain stimulation, a therapeutic approach that has shown promise in Europe but has yet to be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, may be one exciting development for the treatment of depression.