Tree nut consumption linked to healthier cholesterol levels

For individuals who require a prescription to buy Lipitor to treat their high cholesterol, eating more tree nuts each day may benefit their condition.

For individuals who require a prescription to buy Lipitor to treat their high cholesterol, eating more tree nuts each day may benefit their condition. New research has shown that people who eat more tend to have low cholesterol levels, as well as few other markers of cardiovascular risk.

Researchers from Louisiana State University analyzed data from the 1999 to 2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. They looked at information gathered from 24,385 people.

The results showed that individuals who consumed greater amounts of tree nuts, which include cashews, macadamias and others, had significantly lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels than those who rarely ate nuts.

The researchers said the findings are interesting because these nuts are high in fat. This means that people who ate more nuts had higher daily energy intake. However, they pointed out that nuts typically contain monounsaturated fats, which, in most cases, have health benefits. These nutrients may aid in balancing energy intake with expenditure.

Tree nuts can play an important role in a heart-healthy diet, the researchers concluded.