Use of cane reduces arthritic knee pain

Many individuals who have arthritis of the knee experience difficulty getting around. A prescription to buy Hyalgan can improve their symptoms, but even this may not be enough for some.

Many individuals who have arthritis of the knee experience difficulty getting around. A prescription to buy Hyalgan can improve their symptoms, but even this may not be enough for some. Now, a new study suggests that one of the simplest methods for dealing with knee pain may be the most effective.

Researchers from the Federal University of Sao Paulo in Brazil showed that individuals with arthritis of the knee experienced significantly less pain when they walked with a cane. The finding could provide a simple solution to the problem of knee pain for individuals who have shown little improvement after other treatments.

For the study, the researchers asked a group of 64 individuals with arthritis of the knee to rate their pain on a 10-point scale. Half the participants were then given a cane and instructed on its proper use. The results showed that this segment of participants reported experiencing significantly less pain after using the cane for two months.

The findings show that a relatively simple lifestyle change could help arthritis sufferers make significant improvements in their condition. Added to a prescription to buy Hyalgan, this approach makes it easier for these individuals to get around.