Weight loss may help obese individuals deal with knee pain

Obese individuals are at a much higher risk of requiring a prescription to buy Hyalgan to treat knee pain.

Obese individuals are at a much higher risk of requiring a prescription to buy Hyalgan to treat knee pain. The wear and tear associated with carrying extra weight for many years can break down the cartilage in the joints, resulting in conditions like osteoarthritis.

However, a new study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition indicates that restricting calories can help overweight individuals lose excess pounds and improve a number of measures that may affect their condition.

For the study, a team of Danish researchers asked participants to restrict their caloric intake to between 415 and 810 calories per day for weight weeks. Individuals were then allowed to consume up to 1,200 calories. Participants were given special-formula foods to ensure adequate nutrition.

The results showed that the average participant lost a considerable amount of weight, improved their bone mineral density and increased levels of vitamins D and B12. Each of these factors can play a role in the degree to which a person with osteoarthritis is bothered by knee pain.

The researchers said their findings indicate that intensive weight loss efforts may be an effective way to help obese individuals deal with the knee pain that may accompany their unhealthy weight.