What to know when you have chest pain

Although there are several medications like Lipitor that can assist if you experience chest pain, there are varying degrees of severity when this condition occurs.

Although there are several medications like Lipitor that can assist if you experience chest pain, there are varying degrees of severity when this condition occurs.

Chest discomfort is generally localized to one area, but there are a variety of factors and ailments that could be causing it to happen, from stress and indigestion to something more serious like a heart attack. This is why it is very important to know what to do when you start to feel irritation in your chest.

According to the Group Health Research Institute, there are that can tell you your chest pain is unrelated to a heart condition, including:

  • Lasting for only a few seconds
  • Occuring after pressing or moving on a body part, such as the chest wall, neck or shoulder
  • Worsening after breathing or exhaling
  • Directly pinpointed to one location

When you need to seek emergency care
For mild chest pain, your doctor may advise you to buy Lipitor. However, there are several signs that you could be suffering from a heart attack when chest pain occurs. The first thing to do is to not wait for the pain to pass, especially if the symptoms have lasted for more than five minutes. Here are some other to keep in mind if you think you are having a heart attack, according to the Mayo Clinic:

  • Don't drive yourself to the hospital: Only do this if it is your absolute last option - be sure to have a friend or neighbor assist if you can.
  • Take an aspirin: Aspirin works to reduce blood clotting, but be sure to avoid this medication if your doctor has told you to do so or you have bleeding problems.
  • Know the symptoms of a heart attack: Some of these include fullness, squeezing pain and irritating pressure in the center of the chest, pain that spreads into the arms or shoulders, and shortness of breath, fainting, nausea or sweating.